The Amazing Adventures of Meltdown Girl (Why Morgan's writing is unavailable on Amazon)
This post was originally written for The Many Pen-Names of Morgan Drake Eckstein under the title--The Amazing Adventures of Meltdown Girl (How losing access to Amazon is affecting my production schedule) Sign up to receive the monthly Essay of Doom (every 13th of the month) It is official. After twenty-five years of peace among the leaders of Denver’s Wiccan community, the Second Denver Witch War has started. And I am the first causality of DWW2. Happy, happy—joy, joy—right? Yes, it is going to affect the production schedule—as in “Everything is on hold until further notice.” Why? Because some witch thought that it was a suitable punishment for me to have my Amazon author account terminated. Me and my wife chose not to march in lock-step with a Big Name Witch, and now we need to be punished for our wrongful disobedience. Nice, right? I am guessing that this is going to be another case of putting lipstick on a pig, and claiming that it is about “Commun...